Outreach News

From the Vavals in Alabama.

You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.  Job 11:18 

Seeds of Hope, in Selma, AL, made a big announcement this month: 

We are so excited to announce the purchase of the warehouse in East Selma.  It is 20,000 square feet and sits on 4.5 acres in the community we serve.  It has been a slow process, but we have seen God’s hand at work in every monent.  Thank you to all who have prayed, given and labored  toward this end. 

We have also finished our fifth season of Girls on the Run this month.  Over the past three years, we have served more than 60 girls. This program has opened doors bigger than running.  Many of these girls have participated in worship nights, Bible Studies, and Christmas parties with us.  We’ve stood along side families as they grieved loved ones, taken care of children in hospitals, and dealt with the aftermath of a tornado.  We’re so grateful the Lord has allowed us to love these girls and their families. 

We invite you to give to Seeds of Hope, P.O. Box255, Selma AL 36702.


Outreach News


Outreach News