Outreach News

Report from Mark Wittig, Christian Union Sports Club, a sports ministry in Colombia, South America.

Dear good friends at Aldersgate!  On this day in 1810 Colombia declared its independence from Spain, but is still struggling to “find freedom!”  Thank you for your support and prayers…as you will read, young Thiago Ruiz finally found the freedom that only Christ gives!!

Trading a Bible for a Gun

Thiago spent his early years on the street with his two “drug addict” parents.   Then, his grandmother, who lived in New Jerusalem, took him in.  He became a part of the local gang, his job being a courier for them, carrying guns and drugs on him to various other sites.  He was a troublemaker and by age 13 had been kicked out of school.  He was part of a long Colombian history of being subject to evil in all its forms.

But, he loved soccer and when he saw our coach Wilson Rojas directing a soccer practice, he jumped right in.  From then on never missed a soccer practice.  Coach Wilson became a friend, who personally listened to him and shared with him.  Wilson could identify with Thiago´s life-situation.

Through Wilson, Thiago heard the Gospel.  He heard that he was important, no matter how insignificant he was to others, to the God of the universe! So significant, that in spite of his evil ways, God loved him and provided forgiveness and a new life through the sacrifice of His only Son on the cross. This message took time to reach Thiago´s heart and mind.  When he continued to show up at soccer practice with a gun, though, Coach Wilson made him an offer one day that would change all of this.  “I will trade this Bible for your gun!” 

Thiago is now reading the Word and growing in his relationship with God. No longer a part of the gang, he is working hard to be a witness of God´s redeeming love.

Blessings.  You are in my prayers! 

Mark Wittig


Outreach News


Outreach News